Site Rules

This Health and Safety page serves as an indicator for all of our indoor sites.
Some sites may have variances on these, so please check with the Site Manager if there is anything you are not sure about.
Players are responsible for their actions & Zed Adventures accept no responsibility for the actions or views of players whilst on site.
It is the responsibility of all customers on site to ensure they behave in a safe, polite & friendly manner whilst adhering to the rules set in place.
These serve as a terms and conditions of play on all of our CQB sites.

The minimum age to attend our indoor venue is 12 years whilst accompanied at all times by an Adult (over 18 years), all players under the age of 18 years will require their waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian who is over the age of 18.


Safe Zone 

  • Players are responsible for their own actions.

  • Players can only exit the buildings through the designated routes and should not leave unless in the presence of Marshal. No weapons should be in possession when going out into public areas.

  • No loaded weapons are allowed at all in the identified Safezone.  All weapons (including pistols, shotguns, etc.) must be made safe, magazines removed and fired before entering the Safezone.  Marshals will be present to ensure this requirement is complied with.

  • No ‘dry firing’ of any weapons inside the Safezone.  To ‘dry fire’ any gun means to fire it without any projectile (BB’s or pellets) in the chamber.

  • Marshals will do a ‘MAGS & TAGS’ check after the game before entering the Safezone.

  • Eye protection must be worn at all times in the game zone and cannot be removed for any reason until inside the Safezone. If an issue arises in game, Players should cover their face and call for a Marshal.

Eye & Ear protection


    • All Players under 18 years old are required to wear full-face protection.

    • All Players who are 18 years and over must wear eye protection either in the form of full-face protection or appropriate safety glasses or goggles.  If the Player opts to wear safety goggles or glasses, this is done so at the Player’s own risk and is not the responsibility of Zed Adventures.

    • Eye protection should be worn at all times within the game zone and should not be removed for any reason until the Safezone.

    • If eye or face protection needs to be removed outside of the Safezone, Players must cover their face / eyes and shout until a Marshal clearly identifies themselves next to or in front of you.


    • Zed Adventures advises that ear protection / defenders are to be worn during and within the play area in accordance with the data sheets provided by pyrotechnic manufactures.

    • Zed Adventures will not accept responsibility for any damage to hearing where protection is not worn.

Weapons, strobe torches and lasers


  • All Airsoft Weapons – 1.13J (350fps on a 0.20g bb)

  • Joules will be adhered to during chronograph, should ANY member of staff feel the need, a player may be subject to weighing of ammo & alternative chronographing. 

  • Any person who refuses to chronograph as specified by a recognised site official will be asked to leave site without refund.

  • Spot checks will occur throughout the day.

  • Our maximum weight limit per BB is .32g

  • Semi-auto only

  • All Airsoft replicas will be chronographed and tagged before game start.  Any RIF that is over the power limit specified on this website or at the site will not be allowed in play. Please check individual site limits to ensure compliance.

  • A small degree of variance will be allowed subject to the chronograph staff members discretion to allow for variances between chronographic devices.

  • It is the owners responsibility to ensure any airsoft gun on site is BELOW the designated power limit – a smart airsofter sets their power below the site limit, NOT as close as possible to it.

  • 4.5mm BB CO2 powered weapons and/or variants are not permitted on site. Standard 6mm CO2 airsoft variants are allowed, subject to normal chrono rules.

  • Only plastic BB’s are allowed on site. BB’s made in any other material are dangerous.

  • Only soft rubber or plastic training knives are allowed in the gamezone. Real knives are not permitted in game (even if part of a load out).

  • Lasers are not permitted

  • Solid state grenade rules will be briefed on the day, never used above knee height for any reason & never on stairs.

  • Solid state grenades may use .209 Shotgun primers or 9mm/.380 blanks. 12g blanks are not allowed under any circumstances.

The following is not permitted within any of our CQB/urban sites:

  • Blind Firing

  • Riot Shielding

  • Moving barricades.

  • Climbing on or over obstacles above waist level.

  • Full auto or burst fire unless specified for that game.

  • Players are encouraged and advised to be aware of their footing as some floors can be slippy or have uneven/loose surfaces.

  • Players should be aware that buildings and areas may have objects protruding from floors, walls and ceilings.

  • In areas of limited or poor lighting, players should use torches


  • Appointed First Aid Staff will be pointed out on the day.

  • If you have a medical condition, we should be made aware before the games start

  • Airsoft requires a certain degree of fitness & mobility & as such should you feel that your day may be hindered by this please make contact with us via email so we can discuss what we can do to make your day plausable.

  • If you have a condition that requires medication (asthma etc), this must be put in the top left hand pocket of your jacket or vest.

  • If an injury occurs, Players should approach a Marshal for assistance.

  • A mobile phone is available to call emergency services.

Drink, Drugs and Sportsmanship

Zed Adventures enforces a zero tolerance on alcohol or substance use.

  • Players who are thought to have consumed recently or are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance will be refused entry, this includes being hungover.

  • No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the site.

  • If anyone is found to be under the influence of a mind altering substance, they will be removed from the site and will not be eligible for a refund, this may extend to people in that persons group should we not be able to prove they have not been partaking in any mind altering substances.

Players found to be cheating, abusive or violent towards staff or other attendees will be removed from the site without refund and could face a permanent ban from all Zed Adventures sites.

Any player with a medical condition that becomes apparent to put that player or other persons at risk will have their day terminated & a credit note for the amount paid transferable to another person in full but not refundable.